Discover Why Hebron is the Perfect Place to Volunteer!

If you have an interest in volunteering or interning in Palestine, Hebron, also known ‍as Al-Khalil, is a prime location to consider. This West Bank city holds significant religious importance for Jews, Muslims, and Christians, providing ‍a unique perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sacred ‌Hebron Hebron stands as one of the oldest and holiest cities in the​ Holy Land, boasting a history of continuous habitation Read More …

Empower Palestinians: Get Involved Through Volunteering

In ‍Palestine, there are numerous ⁤opportunities ‍for individuals looking ‍to ‌make a positive impact through volunteering. These⁢ opportunities often ‌involve ​collaborating⁢ with NGOs to enhance‍ the quality‍ of⁢ life for Palestinians. One notable‌ organization is ⁣the Palestinian Center in Hebron, which aims to equip Palestinians in the West Bank with the ‍necessary tools to improve their English language proficiency and professional skills. ⁣At the Palestinian Read More …

Inside Look: A Day in the Life of a Volunteer or Intern at Go Palestine

The Daily Life of a Volunteer or Intern at Go Palestine

When ‍seeking an internship or volunteer position at ⁣the ⁣Palestinian Center, individuals often ‌inquire about ⁤the daily ⁣activities ​of volunteers to gain a better understanding ⁣of the program. While⁢ English Teachers, ⁤Special Program Volunteers, and ‌Intensive Arabic students may⁢ have different schedules, they all adhere to similar guidelines and often collaborate with each other. Regardless ​of the specific program, participants can anticipate engaging days​ at Read More …