Top Internship Opportunities in Palestine

Meet Allie, Our Intern from the USA

The surge in tourism to Palestine in recent years has been remarkable. Alongside traditional tourists and religious pilgrims, a growing number of volunteer tourists, known as “voluntourists,” are opting to volunteer at various organizations in the West Bank. Cities like Bethlehem, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jerusalem host numerous organizations catering to volunteer tourists and individuals seeking internship opportunities during their visits.

Exploring Palestinian Culture at the Palestinian Center in Hebron

The Palestinian Center in Hebron provides volunteers and interns with a chance to deeply immerse themselves in Palestinian culture and gain insights into daily life and realities in Palestine. Interns engage in regular field visits to relevant organizations aligned with their chosen programs. These visits offer interns a comprehensive understanding of each organization and the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions.

For my media internship, I selected the media program. Each day, I visited several media stations in Hebron to delve into Palestinian media, the challenges faced in media production, and the impact of the occupation on media freedom. Additionally, the Palestinian Center organized weekly day trips to local sites like refugee camps and Bedouin villages in the West Bank. Field visits also included explorations of the Old City in Hebron, courts of law, human rights organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

Individuals aged 18 and above can volunteer or intern in Palestine. The majority of volunteers I collaborated with were between 18 and 25 years old. Volunteering in Palestine is straightforward – a genuine interest in learning more about Palestine and engaging with local Palestinians is all that is required. While proficiency in English is essential as most organizations operate in English, being a native speaker is not mandatory. Knowledge of Arabic is not a prerequisite either, as many programs offer volunteers the opportunity to attend weekly Arabic lessons conducted by proficient English-speaking professors.

Many interns participating in programs are either on a gap year or university students, although non-students are equally welcomed. During their internships, individuals often assist in teaching English to locals. A background in education or ESL training is not mandatory, as most individuals aim to enhance their conversational English skills. Moreover, prior travel experience is not a prerequisite, as navigating Palestine is relatively straightforward based on my personal experience.

Benefits of Interning in Palestine

Interning in Palestine offers a multitude of advantages for interns, organizations, and local communities. Most programs provide homestay options, allowing international interns to reside with Palestinian host families throughout their stay. This immersive experience enables interns to gain deeper insights into Palestinian family life and the West Bank, potentially enhancing their Arabic language proficiency. Additionally, hosting organizations can arrange private or shared apartments for volunteers.

Aside from accommodation arrangements, the Palestinian Center provides breakfast on workdays. Volunteers typically engage in activities five days a week and have two days off, usually on Fridays and another day of their choice. Post-work hours often involve community, educational, and social activities in the city with colleagues and program coordinators. Weekends offer volunteers the opportunity to forge local friendships or explore various regions in Palestine.

Volunteers receive unwavering support from the staff at Go Palestine throughout their programs. Palestinian hospitality is unparalleled, ensuring volunteers feel welcomed and at ease. While interns gain firsthand knowledge of the illegal Israeli occupation in Palestine, the safety and security of volunteers remain a top priority for the organization. In light of potential conflicts, field visit schedules may be adjusted promptly to safeguard visitors. Living in Palestine presents a unique chance to gain a comprehensive understanding of a region marked by political complexities and a rich history. Upon completion of their programs, interns receive a certificate as a testament to their participation.