Get to Know Riley from the USA in the Lawyers in Palestine Program

Heading: Immersion in Palestinian Culture through the Lawyers in Palestine⁢ Program

My ‍name ⁤is Riley Realing, a twenty-two-year-old student studying International Relations⁣ and French at‍ the University of Wyoming in ⁣America. After‍ a brief ‌visit to Palestine earlier this year, I fell⁤ in⁢ love ⁣with the country and knew I had to return. However, I wanted ‌to palestine/” title=”Experience as a Woman Visiting Palestine”>experience more than just being a tourist—I wanted ​to immerse myself in the culture and⁢ way of life in Palestine.

Choosing the Lawyers in Palestine Program allowed me to live with ⁢a host ‌family, experience daily life as a Palestinian, and interact with local people on a regular basis. This program opened ‌my eyes to the realities of life under the occupation and how Palestinian​ law operates within the constraints of Israeli control.

During my time in ⁣Palestine, I had the ‌opportunity‍ to meet with various lawyers, observe court⁤ proceedings, attend classes at ‍the College of⁢ Law at the University of Hebron,​ and engage with numerous human rights ⁢organizations. The Palestinian Center‍ (Go Palestine) was also⁢ incredibly ⁤accommodating, organizing additional⁤ activities based on my interests.

With the Center’s ⁤assistance, I⁢ visited hospitals, explored cities like Nablus, Ramallah, and Bethlehem, and‍ experienced the warmth and hospitality ⁣of the Palestinian people. Their‍ kindness and willingness to help made ‍me⁢ feel welcomed and safe ⁤throughout my stay,⁣ particularly ⁤in Hebron. I highly recommend ⁢this program to anyone interested in learning about Palestinian law and life in general.

To get a‍ glimpse of my experience in Palestine, you can watch a ‍short video by clicking here.

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