Get to Know Bille from London: A Lawyer in the Palestine Program

Heading: Exploring Legal Education in Hebron, Palestine

My name is Billie, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Law in London. To gain a deeper understanding of the legal landscape, I decided to travel to Palestine, specifically Hebron. I participated in the Lawyers in Palestine program with Go Palestine for two weeks, and the experience left me wanting more due to the wealth of knowledge, sights, and activities the city has to offer.

Arriving in Hebron in the evening after a sherut ride from Jerusalem, I was warmly welcomed by Osama and Marwa, with whom I stayed during my time there. Living with a Palestinian family provided me with invaluable insights into the local culture. The winter weather in Hebron can be harsh, so I recommend packing plenty of warm clothing for both indoor and outdoor activities. The beauty of the old city is a must-see, offering a poignant glimpse into the daily life of Palestinians living under occupation.

The program itself was a fascinating journey. I attended lessons at the Centre that delved into the foundational principles of Palestinian Law and engaged in discussions about the legal framework in Palestine. Meeting with various lawyers allowed me to gain firsthand insights into their practices and the challenges they face. Observing a court case and witnessing cross-examinations provided a stark contrast to legal proceedings in England. Additionally, engaging with NGOs and women’s rights activists broadened my understanding of the socio-political context shaping legal debates in Hebron, particularly regarding CEDAW and women’s rights. A visit to Al Fawwar refugee camp shed light on the legal and socio-economic realities faced by Palestinian refugees.

Hebron exudes a sense of conservatism compared to other West Bank cities, yet the warmth and friendliness of Palestinian culture are undeniable. The locals are eager to engage in conversations, often extending invitations for tea or coffee. Making friends and feeling at home happens effortlessly in this welcoming environment. Safety is a notable aspect of Hebron, especially for foreigners. Throughout my stay, I felt secure and well-protected, with no instances of feeling threatened or encountering theft. Despite my limited Arabic proficiency, strangers were always willing to assist, going as far as calling English-speaking friends for translation. The hospitality and care extended to me by everyone I met were truly remarkable.

I wholeheartedly encourage others to explore Palestine, particularly Hebron. It is a city filled with wonders and offers a firsthand look at how the occupation impacts the lives of Palestinians. If you seek to witness the realities of the occupation and its effects, Hebron stands out as an ideal destination.

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