Explore the Ancient Wonders of Mar Saba and Herodium in Bethlehem

Explore Herodium and Mar Saba in Bethlehem: Bethlehem serves as a convenient hub for travelers looking to discover the wonders of Palestine. Two captivating sites in close proximity are Herodium and Mar Saba, easily accessible for a half-day excursion.


Herodium stands as the ancient remnants of King Herod’s palace, constructed around 15 BCE, once known as the Mountain of Paradise. Resembling an extinct volcano in the desert landscape, the site boasts intriguing ruins like a bathhouse and King Herod’s tomb. Additionally, tunnels used by Jewish rebels during a revolt against the Romans add to its historical significance. Visitors can marvel at breathtaking views stretching from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea. For Annabel, an intern at the Palestinian Center in Hebron, this visit was a standout experience.

Under Israeli jurisdiction, Herodium is managed by the Israeli Parks and Nature Authority. Admission for adults is 27 NIS, with operating hours from 8am-5pm in summer and 8am-4pm in winter. Opting for a private taxi from Bethlehem is the most convenient way to reach the site.

Mar Saba Monastery

Situated just 20km east of Bethlehem, the picturesque Orthodox monastery is nestled amidst dramatic cliffs overlooking the Kidron Valley. Established in 439 CE, the monastery houses the remains of Saint Sabbas and holds historical significance for the Orthodox Church. While only men are permitted to tour the monastery, women can still enjoy panoramic views from the opposite slope.

Erica, a student at the Palestinian Center in Hebron, recently visited Mar Saba Monastery and was captivated by the scenic drive through Palestinian villages and the desert, with glimpses of the Dead Sea. The highlight for her was crossing a bridge over the river and ascending steep steps to admire the monastery from afar, finding the experience incredibly serene.

Entrance to Mar Saba Monastery is free, but transportation via a private taxi from Bethlehem may be necessary, costing around 120 shekels for a round trip. The monastery is closed to visitors on Wednesdays and Fridays.

In summary, Bethlehem and its surrounding countryside offer a wealth of attractions to explore. Herodium and Mar Saba Monastery stand out as captivating and historically rich sites just a short taxi ride away from Bethlehem, making them highly recommended destinations for visitors to the region.

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