Our Previous Participants

The Palestinian Center has hosted people who have come from a myriad of countries, such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Colombia, France, Japan, China, Chile, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, and many more. All that you need to join us is to speak English very well and have management skills.

Go Palestine welcomes all people who are 18 to 70 years old to apply to any of our volunteer/internship/language programs. Academic or professional degrees are not required to join any of our programs. 

Participating Countries Map since 2011

As a circus artist I had the chance to come around Hebron and the small villages around it and make shows and workshop for many children. I always had somebody from Palestinian center with me and felt useful and safe. I would not have the chance to do it on my own!

Marek Magierecki - Denmark

Volunteer with Palestinian Refugees

I think that it is wonderful for the Palestinian Center to provide English classes for girls as it encourages future women of Palestinian society to invest in their education and to recognise their worth as equal contributors.

Amber lewis - Australia

Volunteer with Palestinian Children

I would recommend the program to anyone from all over the world who would like to support the bright future of Palestine and make yourself experience something very precious. Once you would come here you will know exactly what I mean. You can learn the language and culture on a daily basis by meeting people of this beautiful land and also international supporters from various countries.

Kayuri Niwa - Germany

Volunteer in the West Bank

The Law Program truly opened my eyes to what life is like under the occupation and how Palestinian law operates underneath Israel’s control. I was able to meet with many different lawyers, go to court, attend classes in the College of Law at the University of Hebron, and meet with many different human rights organizations.

Riley Realing - USA

Lawyers in Palestine Program

I volunteered as a football coach at the Fawwar Refugee camp just outside of Hebron. I coached two groups of boys from the ages of six to sixteen years of age from the local school. I never had any worries about personal safety and found that these concerns have no place in Palestinian society.

Mark Daly - The United Kingdom

Volunteer with the Palestinian Refugees

During my internship I met Palestinian lawyers that explained me the way laws work in Palestine and the limitations and challenges they faced with the Israeli occupation. Also I was able to visit Hebron University and the Law College, there the teachers explained me the unique history of Palestinian laws since the Ottoman Empire until the Palestinian Authority laws. They exposed me the difficulties with the ones Palestinian universities have to deal with, specially the law students and teachers that come to Hebron.

Victor Calero - Ecuador

Lawyers in Palestine Program

I had the chance to meet with dozens of lawyers, judges and prosecutors and ask them about their work in Palestine. The legal professionals I met with were all more than happy to teach me about the history of law in Palestine, but also its execution on a day to day basis. I think the best way of learning about a political or a legal situation is to go and experience it yourself, and I'm glad I did!

Sasha Burkhardt - Switzerland

Lawyers in Palestine Program

Some of the activities I engaged in included: teaching English, visiting the Hebron glass factory, the Hirabaw scarf factory and the Old Town garden area. In addition, I started learning the Palestinian dialect of Arabic and we handed out dates to the locals during the early days of Ramadan. I felt totally safe in Hebron, I walked just about everywhere and the weather was moderate and the food is amazing, especially the chicken shawarma and falafel. I had a really good experience and would love to visit again. GO PALESTINE!!! Thank you.

Lamont Handy - USA

Volunteer in the West Bank

I have had the opportunity to visit Aroub and Al Fariah refugee camps. I was amazed by the people and their strength in trying to carve out some kind of normal life for their family. We were invited into their homes and shared Iftar with them in the evenings which was a great celebration to be part of and we were made to feel like one of the family. I would definitely recommend people travel to the West Bank. The Go Palestine program is a great chance to immerse yourself in the Palestinian culture.

Claire Liddy - Ireland

Volunteer with the Palestinian Refugees

I had an amazing experience with the GoPalestine media program, I visited a refugee camp, radio station, met journalists, tours of the area, got first hand experience of the situation in The West Bank, learned a lot about the conflict and also had a lot of free time to visit the wonderful sites and places of interest to see in Palestine.

Niall Bradley - Ireland

Media in Palestine Program

Go Palestine has been excellent in supporting me and ensuring that I have relevant activities to my program. I have conducted interviews with various Palestinian non profit organizations and have gone on visits to areas that are especially demonstrative of the human rights violations in Palestine. I have highly valued most, if not all, events that my program coordinator has organized to facilitate my learning. In the end, I chose to come to Palestine because I wanted to expand my understanding on human and children behavior in trauma and knew Palestine would have a lot to learn from.

Nikka Marie - USA

Human Rights Program

The Go Palestine center was full of great memories, meeting new people and experiencing a fantastic insight into the Palestinian life! During my time here with the program, I got to visit lawyers and the courtrooms and see how different and unique the Palestinian legal system is. As well as this, I also had the opportunity to visit many human rights NGOs to learn about their work with the Palestinian people. This was especially insightful as it linked well with the 'Lawyers in Palestine' program and broadened my knowledge.

Oume Shamtally - UK

Lawyers in Palestine Program

During my three week volunteering period, I have been teaching children in the Go Palestine Center as well as going several times with other volunteers in the same program to teach refugee kids at Fawaar Refugee Camp. Apart from teaching, I was given three hours of Arabic lesson every week and given the opportunity to tour the Old City, Ibrahimi Mosque and Al Shouhada Street. I would definitely recommend the Go Palestine Center in Palestine to anyone who would love to contribute and help Palestinian children with building up a bit of their future teaching them English.

Shadi Abdelaziz - Italy

Volunteer with the Palestinian Children

My experience in Hebron and at the Palestine Centre was interesting and fascinating. I really enjoyed working in a center with children because they are always so happy to see foreigners from another countries, to speak with them in English and to ask some questions about their traditions and culture. The children are really engaged in the studying and learning.

Dadaeva Sofia - Russia

Volunteer with the Palestinian Refugees

The Palestinian legal system is complex and fascinating. Under occupation and in the absence of a legislative council, the resilience and innovativeness of legal practitioners is commendable. I was fortunate to meet people with bright ideas for improving Palestinian society. Hebronite society is close-knit and welcoming, so it is easy to feel at home. I will have fond memories of many people, the streets and the food.

Teenli Tan - Singapore

Lawyers in Palestine Program

My experience at the Palestinian centre has been very positive. I have taken the Intensive Arabic Course and I have seen great improvements in my language skills. I have spent only 2 weeks in Palestine this summer, but I would like to return later on for a longer period. The centre organizes interesting activities every day, so the programmes are also a great chance to learn more about the people of Hebron, Palestinian-Israeli relations and life under occupation.

Francesco Belcastro - UK

Study Shami Arabic (Ammiya)

Hebron in particular, is a very important city to understand more about the conflict as Hebron is completely divided into two part: H1 and H2. H1 being controlled by the Palestinians and H2 being controlled by the Israelis. I have visited NGOs, refugee camps, universities and Palestinians living in H1 who shared their stories about living under the occupation and allowed us to ask more questions. The stories shared were incredibly moving and showed the resilience of the Palestinians, yet it was difficult to understand how Israeli human rights abuses can continue unchecked.

Yasmine Cetta - Italy

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Program

Hebron is the most fascinating city in the West Bank. I loved exploring both sections of the city, one side under Israeli control and the other under that of the Palestinian Authority, and I found it interesting the variety of activists, and other humanitarian organizations working on the ground here as well. The Center was nice to have as it grounded me each day. Having breakfast with the same group of people can be comforting and the familiar routine is helpful when arriving in a new city where you don’t know anyone.

Calum Houston - USA

Volunteer as a Photographer

I spent 3 weeks in Hebron enrolled on the Israel-Palestine conflict program and the Volunteer in Local Schools program. I enjoyed my time there, and found the program to be an excellent introduction into Palestinian life and culture. I got to meet with a range of interesting people, and feel like I left with a much more thorough understanding of the conflict. All the people at the centre were welcoming and helpful, and there was a good environment with the other volunteers.

Sarah Pinkerton - USA

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Volunteering in Hebron was an eye-opening experience for me, even as a Palestinian who knows fully well the extent of the occupation, I witnessed first-hand the hardships that everyday Palestinians face here. I have never taught English and although I was nervous at the start, that feeling quickly subsided when I taught my first class. The students were attentive and eager to learn and I was impressed by their willingness to learn another language.

Amin Abdelaziz

Volunteer with the Palestinian Refugees

During my time with Go Palestine I have been shown around the different parts of Hebron such as the old town which is rich in history, I was also shown places which are of much significance to Hebron such as the Ibrahimi mosque and Shuhada Street which again both have a deep history and story behind them, and then during my final week with Go Palestine I would come in for breakfast every morning which was delicious and then go to teach English classes to children at a children’s centre in Al Arub. I would most definitely recommend the programmes available with Go Palestine to anybody that is interested or curious in volunteering.

Adam Suleman - UK

Volunteer with the Palestinian Refugees

The daily schedule varied day-by-day, including meeting with journalists, local NGOs, activists, and grassroots organisations, as well as exploring the city of Hebron with local volunteer guides. Of course the week is never complete without Arabic lessons, and teaching classes. I was lucky enough to teach basic media and journalism skills to both High School and University students. Working among local volunteers, most of whom are university students themselves, it's easy to get a feel for the Palestinian culture. People take great pride in hospitality, and just walking down the street, you will be welcomed to the city by shopkeepers. Everyone will try to feed you, give you tea, coffee, and juice, eager to take care of you.

Lilly McKenzie - Australia

Media in Palestine Program

During my three weeks there, I mainly taught English in some villages and in Hebron. The children and teenagers were very welcoming and eager to learn. I enjoyed teaching basic English to children in Seera (Dura) and in Soureef. I also had great Arabic lessons with Nadine; she is very sweet, motivating, patient, and she explains the concepts clearly! I have learnt some basic Arabic and I hope to keep on studying this beautiful language. The Center’s environment is good: the staff is always available and helpful, the teachers are kind and talkative.

Joëlle Morard - Switzerland

Teach English in Palestine

During my time here, I have been introduced to many people who’s stories have helped shed light on the difficulties that ordinary Palestinians face day to day under Israeli occupation. Having open conversations with the families and people that we visited gave me very valuable insight into helping me form an opinion and a better understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The course is really flexible and the organisers are excellent at shaping the course around your priorities so having a few things in mind is a great starting point. The course is not entirely human rights focused and you will get a really good all-round picture of life in Hebron as well as Palestinian culture.

Hannah Brock - UK

Human Rights Program

During the week, we did many activities, leaving the centre to visit people or sites every day. I thought that our course would mostly be in classrooms, learning through lectures and so on. We have always felt safe. My friend and I (both female) have walked home almost every night, mostly quite late, and never felt unsafe during the long walk. People were by and large friendly and helpful, I never felt at risk while we were exploring the city.

Martha Courtauld - UK

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

I recently started taking Arabic lessons through the Palestinian center. In the Spring of 2020, I started Arabic with the Duolingo app. During the course of the last academic year (2020/21), I took two Modern Standard Arabic language courses at my local community college. Once I completed those two courses, there were no more courses available for me at the college. I looked for some other way to continue my Arabic studies. Since I want to learn the Palestinian dialect (Ammiya) and all of my studies have been online through apps and Zoom, I decided to study with someone in Palestine. I applied to several language schools in Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestine Center - Go Palestine was the most responsive. Scheduling the lessons with my teacher has been easy and pleasant. My teacher has accommodated me in allowing me to continue with my college textbook in Modern Standard Arabic. She is also giving me writing, reading and speaking work. I love having the direct connection with Arabic culture through Arabic language. I value that my teacher is finishing her own higher level Arabic literature studies, has studied other languages and is an experienced Arabic language teacher. She is patient and encouraging with me. I look forward to my lessons and and am glad to have found the Palestine Center.

Michael Davis - USA

Study Arabic ONLINE

Choosing Go Palestine was probably one of the best decisions I could have made. Not only is everyone friendly and welcoming, but everything you do in the center is purposeful and makes you feel as if you’re truly reaching your highest potential. During my stay here, I volunteered in the Teaching English as a Volunteer program. My day to day schedule varied quite a bit but it was fun because it kept me on my toes. I was able to assist in the old center with three of the English teachers who are amazing at everything they do.

Jack Bates - UK

Teach English in Palestine

My tutor Dua'a has been fantastic! Bearing in mind I am learning as a complete beginner (as well as learning online which presents its own set of challenges) my tuition has been fun, engaging, challenging, and rewarding in equal measure. My tutor has been exceptionally accommodating and supportive of my Arabic language journey. Arranging lessons was always easy and straightforward, and the content was always at just the right level to challenge me, but remain fun. I look forward to having more lessons in the future.

Jacob - UK

Study Arabic ONLINE

For me, the reasons for which I decided to come to Palestine are plentiful. Firstly, as a Law student – I have just finished my first year at the University of Oxford – the Lawyers in Palestine program has propelled me into the heart of key legal issues: I have had the opportunity to meet with local lawyers, activists and government officials to hear, first-hand, their experiences of the occupation in both legal and non-legal contexts.

Rory Patrick - UK

Lawyers in Palestine Program

I highly recommend the Go Palestine Arabic Language Online Program. It is well organized and interactions are pleasant. My teacher is a wonderful teacher, she speaks English very well and she also brings great enthusiasm to her work. She has a good understanding of where the gaps are in my knowledge of the Arabic language. This enables her to select and prepare the material for each lesson carefully. The first lesson is free, but I immediately signed up for the next one. I really appreciate the format through Zoom, very flexible and compatible with my own work.

Paula van der Hijden - Netherlands

Study Arabic ONLINE


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