Building Meaningful Relationships: Connecting with Locals in Palestine

Volunteer and internships in Palestine

Building Meaningful Relationships with Locals in Palestine

Friendship and Connections in Palestine: Palestinians are well-known for their warm hospitality towards visitors, whom they treat as esteemed guests. From the moment you set foot in Palestine until the day you depart, you will experience the genuine welcoming nature of our culture, whether you are strolling through the streets or taking a taxi. However, today, we, at the Palestinian Center, aim to explore more than just the everyday hospitality encountered in Palestine. We want to delve deeper into the friendships and genuine connections formed between our international volunteers and locals.

Experiences Shared by Volunteers

We have had conversations with our current volunteers to gain insight into their interactions with locals. A volunteer from Belgium, participating in our “Teach Arabic and Learn Arabic” program, shares his experience of finding a common interest in chess with some local friends. He expresses his regret at not bringing his own chess set, despite the availability of plenty of sets to play with here. He emphasizes the special bond he shares with his local friends over chess and how he wishes he had brought his own set to Hebron.

Another volunteer from the United States, enrolled in our “Volunteer to Write about Palestine and Learn Arabic” program, recounts her encounter with a local woman in need of assistance with scholarship applications for international universities. Despite the center not offering this service, the volunteer stepped in to help, forming a strong friendship with the woman. They discovered shared interests and quickly bonded over their interactions.

Connecting with Host Families

Many volunteers form close friendships with the children or grandchildren of their host families. A volunteer from the United States, participating in our “Teach English and Learn Arabic” program, shares her experience of bonding with her host (grand)mother’s granddaughter. Their immediate connection, aided by the granddaughter’s English proficiency, solidified into a deep friendship. The volunteer was deeply touched when the granddaughter stayed with her in the absence of her host mother, further strengthening their bond. The volunteer plans to return for her friend’s wedding in Hebron even after her visa expires and she travels to Jordan.

Long-lasting Connections

Our volunteers form friendships with locals for various reasons and in diverse circumstances, fostering meaningful relationships that truly immerse them in the local culture. These connections often extend beyond their time in Palestine, with many volunteers maintaining close contact with the friends they made here.

In conclusion, the friendships and connections forged between our international volunteers and locals in Palestine go beyond mere interactions, creating lasting bonds that enrich both parties’ experiences.